The Wastelanders update has done the things for Fall Out 76 as numerous gamers are opting to play it. The update has brought several new features and changes in the world of Fall Out 76. Thus, the game now feels entirely new. Even several gamers have also renamed it as Fall Out 76 Wastelanders. The update has brought new weapons, new monsters, and new currency known as Gold Bullion. Players across the globe have already started playing games, thus get to know about the importance of Gold Bullion.
Through the medium of subsequent blog, we are going to feed the gamers with various methods to earn Gold bullion with ease in Fall Out 76. However, there is one requirement that all players need to fulfill, and it is to accomplish the main task of Wastelanders. As the quest and Gild Bullion are interconnected, so once the gamers completed the subsequent task, soon after, the gateway of earning Gold Bullion will open for them.
How to Get Maximum Gold Bullion and Treasury Notes
There are various specific ways to earn Gold Bullion in Fall Out 76, and one of the simplest ways is to purchase it through a local vendor. Gamers need to pay 1,000 caps to them in exchange for 50 Gold Bullion. The subsequent vendor is orientated in the Wayward location of the Smiley region. Gamers can only purchase a maximum limit of 300 Gold Bullion from that vendor in one week. Thus, the players can’t convert all of their caps into new currency from that way. So, here is another method is to exchange Treasury Notes that are rewarded after completing daily quests and events.
The gamers can easily exchange their treasury Notes through machines of Gold Press orientated in the Crater and Foundation location. However, there is also a limit of exchanging only 200 Gold Bullion in one day, but still, it makes 1400 in a week. So, by going through these two possible and straightforward ways, gamers can easily accomplish 1700 Gold Bullion in a week, which seems quite fair.
Players need to only obtain 20 treasury notes through quests and events in a single day to get 200 Gold Bullion in a day. Whereas they only have to get 6,000 Caps in one week to exchange a limited amount of 300 Gold Bullion. Once the gamers continue the subsequent process for a couple of weeks, then soon, they have a lot of Gold Bullion in their sacks. There are more than seven Treasury Notes quests in a day, and it is suggested to complete all of them to get more Gold Bullion in a day.
Wastelanders had become a successful deal for Bethesda Game Studios. The game is attaining an international acclamation worldwide. There are also several rumors spread about the coming of new updates in Fall Out 76. Thus, it seems that it is just a start, and there will be more surprises kept for the gamers by Fall Out 76 team. However, it is just a rumor now, and maybe it all hoax. By far, it is clear that Wastelanders makes Fall Out 76 amazing, and it is advisable for the gamers who have stopped playing it for any reason should come back at least for once to witness its new gaming experience.
The gamers who are unaware of Fall Out 76 Wastelanders should start playing it now on Xbox One, PC, and PS4.
Chloe Decker is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Microsoft products at